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La Photographie Moderne Page 10

inquiring via email, who was Reason dating? He signed off, 'Love R.'

  4:40 p.m.

  The doorbell was chiming again. Hmm, someone so late, just a lookie loo, he peeked out the back office, a young lady wearing a long black leather coat. "If you have any questions, just let me know, he said.

  "Okay," was the response he heard. He heard the bell again and she was gone after a few minutes of browsing. Boy that was quick he thought. "Colbert, what shall we have for dinner tonight? I feel like pasta! We can stop at Amici's Ristorante on the way home. I will call first and order it. I am thinking of Linguine Fruiti di Mare. I do hope that Didier calls me tonight Colbert. It will be ready in 20 minutes. Shall we close up?"

  Chapitre 8

  4:55 p.m.

  The phone starts ringing and Reason's heart starts pounding, could it be Didier?


  "Hi there, busy?" Didier asks.

  "No not at all, I was just about to close up shop. What's going on?"

  "I just was about to leave work and wanted to call you. I had a busy day. I'm tired." Reason could hear the tiredness in his voice.

  "I am sorry to hear that."

  "Yeah, I usually work past five, but not today. Want to get home."

  Reason felt butterflies in his stomach. He loved that feeling, the love feeling. "So what's going on tonight?" he asks casually.

  "Oh not much, don't have any plans, yet."

  Well how about a light dinner avec moi, if you're not too tired." Reason said without flinching.

  "Mais oui!" Didier quipped back. "No, not too tired to see you. I know this small café near my house."

  "I love cafés, sounds wonderful."

  "How about six thirty my house?"

  "That will give me time for a quick shower and change into some comfortable clothes.

  “See you soon."

  Reason hung up the phone, hands shaking, heart pounding and dialed Amici's Ristorante to cancel the order and apologize. The guy on the other end says, "No worries, they had not even started making it."

  "Another time, thank you." He hung up.

  15 minutes later.


  The weather seems chillier tonight, Reason thought when he went to the car. Reason thought about the jacket in the trunk, just in case we take a walk later.

  He took Colbert home and fed her, showered and changed and said, "Au revoir. Tonight is even more exciting Colbert because we really have chemistry together and it's so comfortable, and I just want it to be perfect. I must accept that he is the right one. Didier has to be the one, he mumbled and closed the door.

  15 minutes later.

  He pulls up to Didier's house around six-thirty. Just as he is getting out of the car, Didier is coming out of the house.

  Reason wanted to go inside. He wanted to hold Didier, kiss him. Didier jumps into the passenger seat and leans over and plants one right on Reason's mouth. It's a wet one with some tongue. He leans back and sighs. "I was thinking about doing that all day."

  "You were?" Reason blurts out in a surprised tone.

  "Yes I was. Now let's get going I am starving."

  "Well I am too. Which way do we go?"

  "Pull out and go north and take a left at the stop sign and then go to the signal light."

  "Okay, slow down, one turn at a time."

  "Yes Reason, yes," Didier says in a playful tone. Reason sees how excited Didier is and he can't stand it. This man is hot for me! He concentrates on driving. Didier reaches over and turns up the classical music playing, then he plants his hand on Reason's thigh. Reason lays his right hand on top of Didier's and drives on. Didier points the directions out from then on. They drive up to a quaint café that looks like a bistro, Reason puts the car in park, he doesn't move.

  "Hey are you there?" Didier is asking waving his hand in the air.

  "Oh yes, I was just dazed for a moment."

  "By me?" Smiling wryly.

  "Oh yes, by you my friend, by you," Reason says.

  "A man could get arrested, actually," Didier replied. This type of candor surprised Reason. Surely Didier doesn't think that he's all that and is he wearing his heart on his shoulder. Maybe Didier has a sense of humor that he's just now showing. Wow, very cool too. Reason gets a hold of his mind again.

  "Well let's eat."

  "This is a small place that I thought you might like, real home style cooking too, the kind of food that warms your belly on a chilly night like this one. I love your belly," Didier adds.

  Reason likes that remark. "Yes the breeze has picked up and there is a distinct chill in the air. Are you warm enough? I have a Jacket in the trunk?"

  "Let's get inside quick," Didier commands in his calm voice.

  "I really love your voice. It's so calming. I can just listen to you speak and drift away, not to sleep but into a quiet moment." Reason said this without thinking and felt foolish as soon as he started, but he couldn’t stop. He wanted to reveal this to Didier.

  "Why thank you. I actually have learned to speak in a quiet voice after years of speaking out loud and ferocious. All my life growing up I was surrounding by very loud people. I picked up speaking loudly just as a normal thing any child would do. When I was at work one day talking to a coworker, he asked me to lower my voice, he said he wasn't out in the woods. I was taking aback by this and became very self-conscience of my voice and how loud I was. I began to speak in a lower tone and without all the excitement. This has taken me years to accomplish. Now it's second nature. Adaptable we humans are."

  "Oh yes, I agree." Reason said, quietly smiling.

  Didier laughed. "I am rubbing off on you."

  "Oh, I hope that you are," came the reply, once again in a quiet steady voice. Didier winked at Reason, who smiled and opened the door.

  The Café.

  During the meal, he had found out that Didier was born in Greenwich Village, New York, but only lived there a very short while before moving to New Orleans, Louisiana, and then on to California. His mother and aunt still lived in New Orleans and he would visit them periodically. He was out to his family as well and that made Reason feel good. He was always sympathetic to those whose own families denied them the right to be gay and the freedom to express their selves. That was something that had changed in the past few years about American Culture. The younger generations, X and Y, were more tolerant or less prejudice than any other time since the 1920's, even more so. Reason didn't want to reveal much during dinner; it was more at getting his fix of Didier, except he did tell him all about Colbert, for about a half hour or so.

  The meal was Roasted Chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and squash, biscuits on the side. He loved home cooked food like this and was glad that Didier had introduced him to this quaint little place. The atmosphere was cozy, as it was fairly dark. There was a fireplace in the center, with several over-stuffed chairs arranged around them. Patrons were welcome to wait there by the fireplace before and after dinner, drinking some delicious coffee or hot tea. Reason could not believe that he had never been to this restaurant as it had been there for over three decades. He thought that he may have been a house at one time or maybe a store. It was just grand to find it.

  "So how was dinner?"

  "I loved it, absolutely completely." Reason said quietly.

  "You have been quiet tonight, are you tired?"

  "I am just enjoying the evening and the company and this place."

  "I knew you would like it. I have only been here a few times. It's the kind of place you come with someone you want to be cozy with."

  "I agree with you there. It escapes me that I have never been here before."

  "I am sure there are more wonderful things that you are yet to see."

  "I like the sound of that. I am looking forward to them all. This is just a wonderful night. I was listening to you as well. I am a good listener."

  "Yes you are and I appreciate that. If I bore you just let me know.

l I don't think that you'll ever bore me. You were telling me about your life and I find it very interesting. I am only bored by repetition of things sometimes. Just tell me once and I will remember it."

  "Oh I see. Well that's a great trait to have. I forget many stories I have heard people share with me."

  "Well not all stories are to be remembered." Reason laughed as did Didier. They were having a very splendid time.

  "Just think I was afraid to ask you out tonight in fear that I might be coming on to strong."

  "Oh no, not all, I wanted to see you tonight. If you come on to strong then I will tell you, and that's a two-way street, you tell me if I come on to strong," Didier answered.

  "Well I just don't want to rush into things; I want to enjoy the journey into the future. It has been with great pain that rushing into things only causes them to dissolve faster than need be.”

  "I agree with you on that. And may I add that previous relationships can be left out on the porch with all the rest of the baggage.”

  "Touché," Reason said. I am glad we think alike regarding that.”

  "Well some of the past can best be forgotten in the beginning.”

  The conversation was amicable Reason thought. Well the night is coming to an end and I don't want it to, Reason thought to himself. How to end it?

  "How about we order a cup of coffee?"

  "Oh sure, I'll have one for the road. Decaf though."

  "There's always time for coffee. And I want it black tonight," Reason said this almost ferociously. He was embarrassed.

  "Yes, I agree with you, Decaf for me too."

  The waiter brought two large cups of coffee, and they both drank them black.

  "Sometimes," Reason began, "it just tastes so good black. And it feels good going down warming the body."

  "Well I have been drinking coffee since I was a teenager, and I will say it is one of the most enjoyable things life has to offer."

  "Cheers," Reason said.

  They cheered and took another gulp. After this they were both ready to go and nothing had to be said, it was just time to leave. This was a comfortable departure and it relieved Reason. He had worried for a few moments and now it was just happening.

  "We can make this a tradition, by coming here once a month."

  "Oh that is a great idea. We can try everything on the menu."

  "That won't take long." Didier smiled.

  After dinner, Reason felt like a walk again. He wondered if Didier would be willing to.

  "Should we take a walk?" Reason asked.

  "Sure let's walk down the street and cross and walk back."

  The air was chillier and Reason wished he had his coat that was in the trunk. It wasn't much of a walk. Didier held out his hand and Reason took it. He drew him close and kissed him on the lips. "Are you cold?"

  "At little," Reason said.

  "Stay close to me and I will keep you warm," Didier replied. There were several shops with displays of all kinds of merchandise. They looked at each one talking about the different items they saw and liked, or disliked. Reason saw this as a good sign; he just enjoys doing things like I do and likes talking. Right as they approached the car, Didier walked behind Reason and put his arms around him until they did reach it.

  The drive home was quiet again, but Reason was aware of it this time. Didier seemed satisfied and this was a good sign. They needed to sincerely get to know each other before taking the plunge into the physical realm. As in every instance, once done, it changes the entire dating dynamics. Reason had seen it and done it a hundred times. Not literally. He had made up his mind to be more than just a good roll in the hay. He was in deep thought.

  "You just missed the turn, but you can go down to the next street and make a right there."

  He heard this but it was not registering. "Oh I am sorry. It's so dark out tonight. The cold makes it seem darker."

  "No problem, I enjoy being in this car sitting next to you." Didier said. He reached over and grabbed Reason's hand and held it.

  Reason's heart just melted. Could he believe he was hearing this?

  "I thought we needed a little drive after dinner."

  "Oh you did, did you? A walk and a drive? Tonight is forever?" Didier asked wryly.

  "Just a few more blocks around town." Reason said in a pleading tone.

  "Go on, drive, in the night." Didier replied. "I like being all cozy in your boat. The streets are so quiet; it may start to rain soon."

  "Oh if it starts to rain then we will have to continue to drive. I love driving in the rain."

  "So do I, just for fun."

  We love many things alike Reason thought to himself. Boy love is fun. Pinch me. How do you enjoy driving in the rain? Reason wondered. You just let it fall down and feel it thumping on the car, splashing, crashing down. The noise feels your ears and your heart is warm from the heater. Then it started to drizzle.

  "Let's drive around the block one more time," Didier remarked.

  "It's all right with me."

  "Just one more time though."

  As they drove along the drizzle became rain and it poured down, a deluge in the night. They pulled in front of Didier's house and Reason put the car in park. He looked over at Didier and then leaned in and kissed him on the lips. This lasted a few minutes.

  "Good night buddy, I must be off," Didier clamored out.

  "Good night Didier," Reason said softly. "I had a wonderful time."

  "Me too," smiling.

  "I don't want it to end. I feel so good."

  "Well I feel great too. You are welcome to come in for awhile."

  "Oh yes, maybe just for a nightcap." Reason said as he climbed out of the car. The rain was coming down harder now, but he had pulled under the carport, which was back further against the house, the garage was in the back. 'I want a lover tonight,' Reason thought to himself.

  Didier was opening up a side door, and asking, "Are you sure about this?"

  "Yes I am sure. I am ready." Reason thought to himself, I’m not afraid.

  They went inside and Reason spent the night. He hadn't planned on doing this, but it just happened. He felt guilty for letting himself slip like that, but he knew this was the man for him, might as well start now. They held each other on and off during the night, Reason remembered, because he woke up a few times. In the morning, Reason woke up lying next to Didier.

  "Good morning!"

  "Good morning," Didier was still sleepy. "How did you sleep?"

  "I had the best night's sleep."

  "I'll make some coffee. Want some?" Didier asked.

  "Sure, and then I have to go."

  "Okay, I'll let you go. It was wonderful sleeping with you. I love hugging you."

  "I noticed," and winked at Didier.

  Didier got up from the bed and slipped on a robe, then went off to the kitchen to make coffee. Reason laid there. They didn't have sex, so it wasn't all that bad. They still haven't crossed the line he thought. Didier came back with coffee for the both of them, "I put milk and sugar. Is that okay?"

  "Sure. That's perfect." He took the cup from Didier, and Didier crawled up on the bed. He drank his coffee, sitting against the headboard. He held Reasons hand.

  After a moment he said, "Now don't think that I wanted us to do this, but I am glad we did. We still haven't crossed the line have we?"

  "That's my impression. Technically no, but if we continue to do this, we eventually will," Reason replied.

  "Well let's do it again tonight," Didier laughed as he said this.

  Reason laughed too. "Well I really like you Didier, and I guess we can work it out."

  "Good. I am glad to hear that, and you are so sexy, I just want to ravage your body." At this he rubbed his hand on Reason's hairy stomach.

  "Let me finish my coffee first," Reason said. They made love that morning.

  Chapitre 9

  An hour later.

  Reason smiled, "I am off then."

bsp; "Drive safely."

  "I will, thanks again for a wonderful night and morning," Didier said and closed the door. He wasn't getting wet as the carport gave him shelter from the rain all the way from the front door. Reason backed the car out of the driveway and drove home. Love comes quickly and he was truly in love. He knew this was the man who would be his soul mate and hoped that he would be Didier's. Why don't we live together? Too soon, Reason screamed in his mind.

  Reason fed Colbert. She had to sleep alone all by herself. Reason couldn't stop feeling guilty for what he had done. He barely knew this man, he thought, now things might get dicey. He took a shower and dressed and went to work, bringing Colbert with him. "So much for the clear skies, where did this storm come from Colbert?"

  Just before noon, Didier called Reason at the gallery, to tell him that he had to work late.

  "Well that's okay, I am just going to go home and finish the book I am reading, Dead On Your Feet and I am almost done with. It will be a nice quiet evening home alone with Colbert and I and the rain."

  "Oh you make it sound so romantic."

  "Well, we'll see each other real soon. Don't worry."

  "Okay, I won't, Didier replied. You have a nice afternoon. Maybe I will see you later tonight."

  "Oh really? Well don't work too hard." Reason said with guile in his voice.

  "Okay, thanks. Talk to you later. Bye handsome buddy." Didier said.

  Reason melting again as he heard it. Paninaro!

  "Good bye for now." He was glad that Didier called him as this made it easier to relax for the rest of the day. He wouldn't be anxious about seeing him knowing that Didier would show up tonight. He probably would have been a little lonely, but that was good for him. He was lonely before he met Didier, a regular Jack the lad. Well Colbert was always there to comfort him most of the time. She would be glad that Reason would be home tonight. He winced. Was that what it was?

  The bell rings and Didier leans over to see who has come in, it's Joe Handel.

  "Hello, hello." Joe was loud and magnanimous.

  "I am here in the back." Reason rose and went out to meet Joe.

  "How are you doing buddy? Hug me." Joe demands. "You give big bear hugs."

  "I do? Reason asked quizzically. So how's it going?

  "I loved Trevor Chase's work, very original and unique. A real clean look and abstract."

  "I thought you would like it, just not my cup of tea."

  "What is your cup of tea. Look at this stuff, it's so real and boring."

  "Mr. Critic. You have your gallery and I have mine."

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah. So do you want to get a quick bite to eat. I would love a liquid lunch."

  "With appetizers," Reason chimed in.

  "Yeah, I guess."

  "Okay, where are we going?"

  "Downtown, Salsa's. I hear they have great margaritas."

  "What time is it?"

  "Just after 2 p.m. Come let's go."

  "I am only having a couple of drinks."


  "I am seeing this guy and he might come over tonight."

  "Who is he and what's his name? What time is he coming over?"

  "I am not sure."

  "You ready?"

  "Yes, I need to lock up. Be right there." Reason went to the back and locked the back door. "Colbert, you watch the place. I will be back shortly."

  He locked the door and jumped into Joe's SUV. "I hate to leave Colbert there."

  "She'll sleep, don't worry. So who's this guy you're seeing?"

  "I'll tell you over a drink." Reason teased. "How about you and David?"

  Joe turned up the radio