La Photographie Moderne Read online

Page 14

this while the coffee finished brewing. "It's ready." He poured the coffee in into the mugs and handed one to Trevor.

  "Oh thank you. I sure love this little pooch. She is adorable. I want a dog."

  "She is a very loving dog for being a Shar Pei."

  "Why is that?" Trevor asked as he sipped his coffee.

  "They usually are very not so mild mannered and take a liking to their owner and no one else. With Colbert, I took her on walks as soon as she had her shots. She learned to like people."

  "I am glad she does."

  "But she can be a great watch dog, very aggressive when a stranger comes around and she senses danger."

  "Good girl," Trevor caressed Colbert's coat.

  "Yes I have seen her bark and growl a couple times when she thought I was in danger."

  "That is hard to believe, but I am sure it is instinctual."

  "Indeed. So how is that coffee?"

  "Oh delicious, dark and Mike but not bitter."

  "Good because I am tired. Let's finish up and go home." Reason drank the last of his coffee and then got up and went to the bathroom.

  Trevor was still caressing Colbert's coat when he returned. "I am finished."

  "I'll take that." Reason grasped the mug. "I will take them home and wash them there."

  "That's smart and sanitary." Trevor got up.

  "Easy too."

  They hugged and kissed on the cheeks, and said good night.

  "Call me tomorrow, I am all alone for a week."

  "Sure, I had fun. We can try another restaurant."

  "You can pick." Reason said with a twinkle in his eye.

  Trevor went out the back door and walked around to the front where he was parked. Reason grabbed the mugs and opened the door, setting the alarm. Colbert ran out and he locked the door. He clicked the FOB and the doors unlocked on the Jaguar. He opened the door and Colbert jumped in. He buckled her seat belt and got into the driver's seat. He sped off. When he got home he listened to the message machine and there was one from Didier, "Call me tonight. Here's the number." Reason grabbed the pen and started jotting it down.

  Reason picked up the phone and dialed the number.

  "Hello," in a whisper.

  "Hello, is it too late to call," in a whisper.

  "No, I was just reading, lying in bed. I miss you."

  "Well I miss you to and I love you." Reason felt a bit tipsy still.

  "I love you big guy."

  "You are so sweet."

  "Guess what?"


  "I am coming home earlier than I thought. In 2 days. I don't need to be here any longer than that."

  "Really, I am so happy, I can't wait to see you. I went out with Trevor, we had French and vino."

  "See, I told you, you would have fun."

  "The vino was fun. Trevor is a cool kid as well."

  "Well I just wanted to tell you I was coming home earlier. I think I hear my mom. I will say good night and I love you and sleep well."

  "I love you too babe, hugs and kisses to your heart."


  "Nite." Reason hung up the phone, he was so excited too that Didier was coming home early. He fell asleep, Colbert by his side.

  The next morning.

  The phone rang and Reason reached over and picked it up. "Hello."

  "Hey sleepy head, how you doing this morning."

  "A bit hung over, but to hear your voice so early in the morning makes it all better."

  "It's not early here. We are headed over to the funeral parlor soon and I wanted to say good morning."

  "Wow, I am so glad that you did. You made my day."

  "I like making your day sexy."

  "So you are coming home tomorrow then?"

  "Yes, I land around 3 p.m."

  "I will be there to pick you up."

  "You better be."

  "I can't wait to see you."

  "Yes I know," Didier laughed.

  "Okay call you later. Bye."

  "Bye sexy."

  Reason laid there and felt love again. He felt so wonderful, he felt so lucky. How did this happen? The stepping in and changing things must have been why.

  Later in the day.

  Surprisingly the day went quickly. A very cute couple came in and looked around for a bit and chatted some. They ended buying a piece that Reason had had for a long time and didn't sell when he had the previous sale. He had removed the sale price and actually upped the price. They introduced themselves after chatting a bit, Tyler and Hayden. They were from Santa Fe, New Mexico and were loving the art scene there. They had driven up in a new Bentley, but they didn't have any attitude. Both were handsome for their age, maybe late 40's, early 50's and they both worked out. Reason thought they were real sweet. He thought of Didier and hoped that they would one day travel to Santa Fe and see the art scene. Colbert came out to greet them and they fell in love with her.

  "We have two English bulldogs, Samson and Delilah, brother and sister." Tyler took out a picture from his wallet. Reason was glad they were so charming. They told him anytime there were in Santa Fe to look them up. They would love to show him and his boyfriend around. Reason was pleased with their generosity. He told them about the French restaurant down the street and little bit about the area. They were going to have lunch and drive up the coast to San Francisco. Reason bid them good luck and they departed.

  That was time well spent he thought when they left. He went back to his desk and the phone rang.


  "Hey Reason, Trevor here, I am not going to be able to do anything tonight. I have to help my uncle out later. He said he would pay me extra."

  "That is no problem. Actually, Didier is coming home tomorrow, he cut his trip short. I am just going to go home do a little reading."

  "Oh good, well I need to run, just wanted to let you know."

  "Thanks for calling. Talk at you later."


  Reason didn't feel like doing anything this evening, just relaxing with a good book tonight alone with Colbert. Around 5 p.m. he closed up the gallery and drove home. He would anxiously wait for Didier's call. He made some herbal tea, took some melatonin and hopped into bed and started reading Touch Not The Cat. His mother had given it to him months before and he thought it sounded intriguing. It had sat on his night stand with the rest of the books he was planning to read. Now was the time to read it, all alone and Didier's out of town and nothing on TV to watch. Colbert was at his feet and the tea was warm and he felt cozy.