La Photographie Moderne Read online

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vision. It had faded. He lay there until Didier climbed into bed and held him in his arms and kissed him and made love to him. He fell asleep in Didier's arms.

  7 a.m. the next morning.

  Reason wakes up and he looks over at Didier, who is still asleep. He feels this odd sensation, like it's all a dream and it's not real, Didier is his lover, it doesn't feel real. It's the weirdest feeling. He snaps out of it and get's up and heads to the kitchen to make coffee. He uses the main bathroom and washes his face with cold water and combs his hair and rinses with some mouthwash. He then heads back to the kitchen and pours 2 cups of coffee. He adds the milk and Sweet-N-Low and heads to the bedroom. He is careful not to spill the coffee as he maneuvers in the low lit room. He sits them on the nightstand and crawls into bed.

  He leans over and puts his arm on Didier's side, and he begins to stir. He knows this will wake him and he pulls himself closer to Didier. He falls back to sleep holding Didier.

  He wakes up and Didier is sitting on the side of the bed drinking coffee.

  "Hey buddy, I had to reheat the coffee in the microwave. It was cold."

  "I didn't want to wake you, and I fell back to sleep. What time is it?"

  "Just seven thirty. I reheated yours too, here." Didier hands the cup to Reason.

  Reason lifts his body up and realizes that this is like the vision once again, but the words are not the same. He takes the cup and sips it.

  "Thank you."

  "It felt good to sleep in. I was beat from working so hard these past few days."

  "I am glad you did sleep in. You needed the rest."

  "So after tonight, I will be free from Friday afternoon, all weekend. Do we have any plans?"

  "I would like to ask you if you would like to go to a wedding up by Big Sur?"

  "Sounds like a long weekend."

  "Yes it could be and I can show you the lighthouse where I took that photo in your bedroom."

  "Wow, I never thought I would get to see it in person. So who's your friend?"

  "Mike is an old friend. We will have fun. I will plan it all out. We can stay at this bed n breakfast, then drive up to the lighthouse."

  "Sounds good, now let's make love." Didier sat down his coffee cup and climbed onto Reason, taking his cup and sitting it on the nightstand

  An hour later.

  "I have to shower. I need to head into the office," Didier said as he lay there holding Reason in his arms. "I love you."

  "I love you too. Go shower. I'll make you some toast and eggs."

  "Sounds wonderful." Didier got up and went to the bathroom. Reason lay in bed not stirring. He hated when they made love and then Didier had to leave. He missed him. He got up and dressed in his pajama shorts and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Colbert followed him into the kitchen and parked herself at the foot of the table. Reason began making breakfast.

  30 minutes later.

  "I have to run. I will call you at the studio?" Didier asked as he got up from the kitchen table.

  "Yes, call me at the studio. Drive safe."

  "I loved the eggs. They were the best."

  "Merci beaucoup, mon ami."

  "I love when you speak French to me. Kiss me." Didier leaned down and kissed Reason on the lips.

  He left out of the front door. Reason sat at the table. He didn't feel like going to the front door. He was so comfortable with Didier coming and going freely. He got up and went to the bathroom to shower and dress to go to the gallery. He would call Mike and let him know their plans. He was excited to be seeing the lighthouse once again.

  Later that afternoon.

  Reason is on the phone talking to Didier. "I was planning on driving there on Thursday, and you could fly up on Friday night, I will pick you up at the airport, we can have a nice dinner and then go back to the bed and breakfast. It's just about fifteen minutes from where Mike lives and is having the wedding. I will spend Thursday night there at his house before all the guests arrive. He has a huge house.

  "Well that sounds like a great idea. I will take off Monday and we can drive back together."

  "Yes, that's what I was going to suggest. I had been waiting to ask you for a couple of days now, but with your aunt dying I wasn't sure you would want to go to a wedding."

  "This will get me off on a different track and I would love to spend some time with you away from home."

  "Oh you would? Moi aussi. Okay so I will call Mike and let him know the plan. I am very excited about the excursion. You know I can't wait to drive you to that place where I took the photo I gave you."

  "For some reason that place draws me and I would like to explore it as well."

  "Sure we can do that too. I love a great adventure."

  "Especially one of mystery."

  "Tres tres." They said goodbye and made plans to see each other later that night. Reason always was excited to see Didier. "Always on my mind, in my house," Reason thought.

  Reason dialed Mike as soon as he hung up with Didier. No answer, he left a message, 'Mike, I am coming up on Thursday, and Didier is flying up on Friday night. I can spend the night at your house Thursday night and we can share about our loves, yes loves. I am faint for this one. You can tell me all about you future husband. I can't wait to see you. Love you, Reason.'

  He was excited about it like when he was a kid and was going on a day trip with his class to SeaWorld. What a wonderful day. Then he would think about it ending and he didn't ever want it to. He was sad.

  Chapitre 14

  Thursday morning.

  "I can take a taxi to the airport, don't worry," Didier was saying as Reason was putting away the clothes he had dragged out, but didn't pack.

  "Okay, and wear your seat belt in the taxi too," Reason said in a reminder voice.

  "I always do, you taught me that," Didier assured him.

  "I will call you when I arrive at Mike's house."

  "That's fine, have fun and drive safe. I will see you Tomorrow."


  "Okay, bye."

  Didier said, "I love you."

  "I love you too." Reason pondered this, when you say 'I love you' too much does it make it feel any less real? He was all ready to go and he just wanted to stop for a moment and relax, he took a deep breath and sighed. 'I'm not scared.' He drove off. Didier waved as he pulled out of the drive.

  He was leaving Colbert with Trevor. He felt comfortable with Trevor and trusted him. Didier was going to drop Colbert off at the camera store on his way to work. She liked Trevor and it would be easier this way.

  Chapitre 15

  Sunday morning.

  Reason wakes up and looks at the clock on the nightstand, 9:30 a.m., still groggy from the night before. He turns and Didier is awake smiling at him.

  "Good morning sleepy head."

  "Good morning. How did you sleep?" Reason asks.

  "I slept perfectly sound. It felt great. I needed it too."

  "This bed is really comfy."

  "Yes we need a bed like this one."

  "I will look at the mattress later."

  "That's a great ideal."

  "Shall we take a drive and look for the lighthouse?"

  "That sounds like a plan to me. Let's have breakfast first."

  "Yes, I am hungry. Let's shower and get ready."

  One hour later.

  "The top is down because the air is clean and crisp," Reason ejaculates right before he sips his coffee. Didier glances over at him and pauses then he smiles and sips his coffee. Reason secretly packed a light snack just in case: some turkey sandwiches, some grapes, sliced cheese, olives and a four splits of champagne. He had ordered it from the chef the night before.

  After about 30 minutes of driving,

  They come upon a small café, "Very quaint", Didier remarks, "Let's have lunch on the way back. Reason nods and agrees. They continue to drive along until they come to a road that takes them along the beach, it is very deserted and the grass is high. Reason remembers this very
well, like it was just yesterday. How odd he thinks, a déjà vu. He wanted to be the navigator so he let Didier do the driving. With a convertible it's more fun to be in the passenger seat.

  "Are you sure this is the way?" Didier asked.

  "Yes I am sure, not absolutely, but very positive it is."

  "Well hope your positive is better than your 'not absolutely sure'." Didier replied. Reason didn't take any offense, as he was not absolutely sure, but there was a gut instinct that told him they were going in the right direction. He felt something drawing him. A few miles later they came to a beach that had an old wooden lifeguard station.

  "Oh yes, I remember that, I walked by it, so we are in the general area. But we will have to pull over to the side and park the car."

  "Are you sure that will be okay?" Didier asked.

  "Oh yes, I haven't seen anyone on this road since we turned on it."

  "Me either." Didier smiled after saying that.

  "I think it's near here, see that up there is the bluffs, let's park here somewhere, just anywhere."

  "Okay how about right here?" Didier pulled the car off the road and under an old lilac tree.

  "We'll put the top up to keep the leaves out." Reason thought that a little extreme, but didn't mind doing it. They walked through the brush and came upon the beach. It was a beautiful day, with some high clouds overhead, and the air still crisp.

  "I am sure glad we brought these sweaters with us," Didier exclaimed.

  "Moi aussi!"

  "So which way shall we tread?"

  "Oh down here and to the right. We will have to walk a ways. I hope you don't mind."

  "Oh not at all, I love walking on the beach. I am taking my shoes off to feel the sand."

  "Then I am