La Photographie Moderne Page 17
too," Reason exclaimed.
"I brought some snacks just in case we get a little hungry."
"What a great idea, is that why the back pack?"
"I use it as my camera case sometimes and a lunch basket other times," Reason replied.
"I can't wait to see this place again. I'm so excited. I never thought I would be here again."
"Well I am excited too. I want to see it for myself," Didier said. They walked towards the beach for about half of a mile before coming upon the bluffs edge. They stood there and gazed up.
"Well I can't really see it, how far north were you?" Didier said disappointed.
"I was over there by that cliff. I used the zoom. I didn't even see it until I had turned past it."
"Oh I see. Well let's head over there then, and I can look at it through your camera."
"Okay and maybe we can try and find a path that leads up there," Reason added. He smiled at Didier who in turn winked. Reason loved when he got a wink, it made him feel so special.
"I brought some black and white film to take pictures. Real high speed too," Reason informed Didier. He didn't respond to that statement and this bothered him.
"Boy this is a beautiful beach," after a long silent pause. "Look at those huge rocks in the water," Didier pointed to some phallic rocks that protruded from the water, fat and tall.
"I agree with you there, very beautiful," Reason said and then trailed off into thought about how he dreamed of those rocks when he was a child.
"I am hot."
"Take your sweater off. The sun is really shinning now. Reason pulled off his sweater to reveal his hairy chest.
"No undershirt, my sexy man."
"I didn't have time to find one."
"I'll take mine off as well." Didier pulled off his shirt to reveal his blond hairy chest. He was more muscular than Reason, and had thick, blond hair all over his chest. Reason loved looking at his hard Pecs covered with blond thick fur. They strode along a while longer, then turned and looked up and saw the lighthouse. Didier was in awe at how it looked just like the photo he had. "Wow that is impressive. It looks just like the photo."
"Why thank you sir. I take pride in my toil."
"Yes you do. Now how do I look at it through the camera?" Didier seemed anxious.
"Well just press this button half way down, it will auto focus."
Didier was surprised at the weight of the camera. "This is not light."
"Nope it's not."
"Well I can see why you have such big arms," smiling.
"Look through the lens."
Didier was amazed at how close he could zoom in to the lighthouse, "I can even make out the letters on the door knocker."
"That's one of my best lenses," Reason said in a bragging tone.
After a few moments, Didier lowered the camera and said, "There is something about this place that makes me feel like I have been here before." There is a copper sign above the door that reads, 'Les Thurston's Fin.'
"Reason that name seems so familiar to me, but I can't read it clearly."
"Wow I thought I was the one with the mysterious past?"
"Stop it, I feel like I have been in that lighthouse before when I was very young."
"Well let's go take a closer look." I think we can make our way up to the bluff this way," Didier plodded forward.
Reason said, "Wait, I want to take a swim first."
"Then we'll have a snack on the beach towel I brought."
Didier stopped and turned, he paused a moment as if in deep thought. He began to run towards the water and peel off his clothes, Reason stripped and ran after him towards the water, "Last one is it."
"No way, not again," Didier ran faster with his underwear still on. He got to the water. "It's freezing," Didier stopped at knee high.
"Oh it feels great and it will cool you off," Reason exclaimed.
"I have never been nude on the beach before," Didier ejaculates.
"Never?" Reason repeats, "I have gone many times nude on the beach."
Reason waded out deeper up to his waist, Didier followed. Didier grabs Reason and pulls him up close into his arms and starts to kiss him. He can taste the salty water on Reasons lips.
"You are the brave one."
"I don't think anyone else is around. I wanted to kiss you in the ocean. I have never done that before either." They kiss again and embrace each other for several minutes. Didier let go and glides backwards into the water. "Now I am ready to eat."
Reason stands there and lets the moment last a moment longer before he swims towards Didier. They are neck deep in the water and staring into each other's eyes. The clouds are cotton candy and the sun is bright. Reason mouths, 'I love you.'
Didier smiles and mouths it as well. Nothing verbal, just lips moving.
"Are you cool enough, let's eat."
"Yes my sexy man, I am now."
They wade back to the beach and stand at the shore, dripping. Silence. They walk to the beach towel and sit down facing each other, legs cross, salt water glistening in the sun, beads dripping down their bodies. Silence between them.
Reason opens the basket and pulls out two plates. He hands both to Didier, he put's one on each knee. Reason pulls out the sandwiches and lays one on each plate. He does this for the olives, the cheese, the grapes, all in silence. Now he opens the champagne splits, two of them and hands one to Didier. Didier hands one plate back to him and they take the splits and cheer.
Reason says, "Too silence."
Didier says, "To love in silence." Clink. They take a swig and eat, in silence.
10 minutes later.
"Are you ready to go check out the lighthouse?" Reason finally asks breaking the silence.
"Nope, not really. Let's just lay here for awhile, maybe take a snooze."
"Well okay then." Reason pulls out a plastic bag and stuffs the plates and bottles in it and ties it up." Silently. Didier stands up.
"Get comfy and I will lie down next to you."
Reason lies down on his side towards the water and Didier lies down behind him. "I love to hold you like this." Didier hold's him and he falls to sleep.
13 minutes later
Reason wakes up, he's warm from the sun. Didier stirs, he's still holding Reason close to his body. Reason turns to face Didier and they start to kiss passionately.
"Let's make love," Didier whispers to Reason.
"I'm ready if you are." Didier says quietly.
"I can't wait any longer."
"Do you think there is a path up there?"
"I am sure there must be some pathway." They dressed in silence. Didier took the plastic bag and tied it to his backpack.
They walk along the beach and come to an area that looks like they can climb up. Climbing straight up, holding on to the bushes and grass that's growing out of the side of the mountain, they reach the top. Pause for a moment to catch their breath and cool down and proceed towards the lighthouse. Reason is taking pictures of Didier's from behind. They arrive at the lighthouse and it is deserted.
Didier gazes up at it. "Wow it is so cool. I wonder why it is deserted."
They try the front door, it's locked. They look inside and it looks like it might be lived in. But it's very dusty. They take a look around the place and don't find anyone. Reason is wondering if he will get any visions while here at the lighthouse.
From the window off the front porch they can see that the lighthouse has a large living room, with a big stone fireplace that is the center of attention. That is if you don't mind the spiral staircase near the back end of the room. It's made of rod iron and wood. They walk around the lighthouse and find another window that looks into a large breakfast nook with a round table and three chairs. On the center of the table there are three candles that looked pretty fresh.
The curtains look like they are newer than anything else inside, they even look like blackout c
urtains. Reason gets a suspicion. Maybe someone conducts séances here. The table is large enough for five or six chairs, the drapes would block out any sunlight if pulled together completely.
He asked Didier what he thinks. "I think it's kind of creepy in there."
"I wonder if you could do a séance in there." Reason raises his eye.
"I was just thinking the same thing. Wow. Is that coincidental or what."
"Well I think we both have it in our minds, just a natural curiosity. Have you ever been to a séance Didier?"
"Oh no, the whole thing spooks me. I am very cautious about dealing with the spiritual realm."
"Oh I see. Well I have been to a couple, and I agree they can be spooky, if they are real. During this one séance I let go of the persons hand to my right, well I thought for a second, to scratch my nose, just about then a chill came upon me. When I went to hold the hand again, it felt ice cold. I could barely see anyone, the light was to dull and the room was very dark. I let go from surprise, I heard a screeching noise and I didn't reach for their hand again. The lights came back on and the person was gone. I don't know what happened to them, but their spouse ran out the door looking for them. Then we all just got up and left. The guy who was doing the séance got pretty scared as well. I just left in a hurry never to return."
"Now you have me even more spooked."
"It's alright, I am here."
"Do you think this property belongs to anyone?"
"I would think that it belonged to the Coast Guard. I thought that they run all the lighthouses."
"Yes the operating ones. This is just abandon."
"It does seem odd."
"Did you check to see if we are on government land?"
"I didn't see any signs that say 'No Trespassing'."
"We might still be on private