La Photographie Moderne Read online

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and fresh.

  "Oh yes, very easy actually and I memorized the streets and turns before I started." Reason felt it was his turn, "You have a very nice home. I love the décor."

  "Well thank you. I try not to go over the top with it. I love being an architect, and this room, this entire house is quite an accomplishment for its time. So, I like the décor to contrast with it, metal against wood."

  "You did a very nice job." Reason said.

  "Yes I think I did."

  Reason couldn't believe how he could make statements like that and not sound so full of himself, just agreeable.

  "Well after I left your gallery, I stopped in at the hardware store and picked up some picture hangers. I then came home, took a short nap and that felt great. It was just a 20-minute shuteye. It makes me feel refreshed for the rest of the day." Didier was rattling on. Reason could tell he was projecting an air of interest, but still being slightly aloof. He just was that way.

  "I must admit I brought a bottle of wine and forgot it in the car. I had to take the picture out of the back seat and all my attention was directed at doing that."

  "Well go get it and we shall have a glass of wine before we go to dinner," Didier said with the kindest voice. "I will get two glasses from the dining room."

  Reason got up and went out the door leaving it ajar. He was back in a flash and handing it to Didier. "Let's go in the dining room. Follow me." Didier said.

  "I hope you like Petite Syrah; it's one of my favorite reds."

  "Oh yes I do like it as well," Didier said as he began to open the bottle. "I also like a good Chardonnay."

  "I see. Well did you decide where you would like to hang the photo?" Reason changed the subject.

  "Oh yes, in my bedroom."

  "Sounds like a good place to me."

  "The best room in the house, you'll see."

  "Now here you go," Didier poured the wine into the glass about a quarter of the way up and handed it to Reason. He poured another and sat the bottle on the table.

  "Cheers, to new beginnings and beautiful art."

  "Cheers!" Reason said as they touched glasses. They both took a drink and Reason new it was a great wine.

  "Mmmm, very nice," Didier replied. "Shall we hang that picture?" Didier asked. He paused and leaned over and kissed Reason, just a nice short kiss. Very appropriate, Reason thought, he's showing me right away that he does like me in that way. You never know about a guy until he actually kisses you.

  "Follow me handsome, bring the bottle." They walked through the house to the last doorway at the end of the hall. Reason stopped at the doorway and was amazed at how large the room was.

  "Boy this room is huge!" he said showing his surprise.

  "Well actually it used to be two rooms, small ones, and I had the wall knocked out and made it into one."

  "You did a nice job; it looks as if it was built this way."

  "I had it done actually, and remember, I am an architect," he winked at Reason after making this statement. Reason thought if I would have said that, it would have sounded way too corny.

  "So where are we hanging the photo?"

  Didier walked over to the far wall and pointed to a blank spot on it. "I thought right here would be a good place for it. So when I wake up every morning I can look at it.” He paused and then said again, "It's such a great photo."

  Reason smiled and without realizing said "Mochas gracias." Didier actually laughed at this and said, "De nada."

  "Okay, where's the hammer and hooks?" Reason asked.

  "Right over there," Didier said and went to the other side of the room to a small table next to the bed; he picked up a hammer and a brown paper bag.

  "You hold the photo against the wall and I will direct you." Reason said matter-of-factly. Didier stopped for a moment, and then he turned and walked back over to where Reason was standing.

  "Okay, sir." He said with a tone of laughter in it. He took the photo, which Reason had unwrapped already. Reason stood back against the bed as Didier held the photo up. "That's nice, how about a little lower. Lower. Lower. That looks great."

  Most people just didn't know how to hang photos and usually tried to center it on the wall. Didier was agreeable and seemed like he trusted Reason's decision.

  "You can move the photo now." Reason proceeded to hammer the nail and hook into the wall. He used two hooks. Didier said nothing. "There!" Reason hung the photo and it was actually just a little lower than where Didier was holding it before. However, after three 'Lowers,' how could he ask for another? He just took it on his own to hang it lower.

  "Wow. That looks great. It really does look good lower."

  Reason smiled. Didier had sat on the bed and was starring at it, "Come over here and look at it." Reason walked over to the bed and sat next to Didier, "Oh yes, it looks great." Didier grabbed Reason's hand and said gently, "Thank you for the photo and thank you again for being at the bagel shop this morning."

  They both lay down on the bed, which was on a fifteen-inch frame, pretty high, their feet were dangling. This Reason saw as a nudge towards making out. Didier turned to Reason and pulled him close, their mouths met and he was in heaven. Didier's hard body felt good close to Reason's and he pulled closer to him. Reason felt so comfortable with this, and wanted to enjoy the closeness and the intimate kissing, but he didn't want to go all the way, just yet. He loved hugging and kissing this man absolutely completely. After about half an hour of this, he said, "Where's the bathroom? I would like to wash my hands."

  "Oh down the hall, second door on your left."

  In the bathroom.

  "Whoa!" Reason sighed as he turned the water on, staring into the mirror. That was a narrow escape. Reason was just not going to let THAT spoil the evening, and the date, and the possibilities. This guy was a real catch, just so handsome and regular. No need to rush things. He finished up and went back into the bedroom. Didier was sitting up again gazing at the photo.

  "Now when will I get to see this place in person? And what about the photo where you saw someone at the window? That's sounds interesting."

  Reason wanted to take this opportunity to say, okay over dinner. However, he didn't want to seem like he was rushing him off. Was it rude to say that? He walked over to Didier and leaned close to his ear, "Let's not rush things."

  "That's fine with me." They kissed and hugged again, knowing that had set up some parameter for now.

  "How about I tell you all about the photo over a cup of hot coffee and some dessert?"

  "That sounds great. However, I thought we were going to a café bistro restaurant?"

  "Change of plans. I'm not real hungry now, but I feel like coffee and dessert. Really fantastic dessert too, the best you can imagine.”

  “Shall I drive or you?"

  "You can drive; I'll navigate since I know where it's." Didier said with a low voice.

  Boy that's a good idea, Reason thought. Now when they return he can just let him out and no chance for enticement. Unfortunately, this place was a bit of a drive and that would create some time to kill. It may even be awkward. Reason didn't want to hear any life stories on the way to coffee and dessert. Hmm. Reason sighed.

  "Are you all right?" Didier asked politely.

  "Oh yes I am. Just a sigh here and there is all. It relaxes me. Hmm," Reason sighed again and smiled. "The not rushing things, are you okay with that?"

  "Oh yes, I am just so glad we met. I really like you and I want this to work out. So, yes, let's not rush things. We can take our time and then it will work out." Didier sounded sad.

  "Hey, I like you Didier, and I am so glad that we met too. Don't worry, things will work out. I know they will," Reason said with confidence.

  "I am glad to hear you say that because I want them too. More than you could imagine," Didier said softly.

  "Kiss me you." Reason leaned over and kissed Didier and hugged him really tight.

  "Hmmm, now I feel better," Didier said with a smile.
  "Good, let's go."

  They were in the car and traveling towards the downtown area. Reason was focusing his attention on his driving and obeying all traffic laws except the speed limit. He just wanted to get there a little faster. He did take off at a Didier-pace and slow down at one as well. If he were driving the speed limit, he thought, it would just be such a long awkward moment. He wondered if Didier must have been hurt before, and badly.

  He had the classical music on just above speaking level and Didier seemed to be enjoying this. It was almost as if Didier wasn't in the car he was so silent. Reason looked over at him and Didier returned his glance with a smile. He reached over and held his hand out. Reason gave him his hand and Didier squeezed it firmly. Reason loved this gesture.

  Didier was enjoying the music, sitting back, looking very comfortable. That was amazing how he was just so relaxed. Unlike himself, he then turned up the volume on the steering wheel a couple of decibels more with his left hand. He enjoyed the music as well. It was one of those long dramatic pieces that slowed down and picked up. This is something. Tonight is forever.

  Chapitre 6

  13 Minutes Later They Drove Up To The Place.

  Didier turned and smiled; he opened the door and got out without a word. Reason was wondering what was going on. Maybe he should ask him, maybe not.

  Reason got out and locked the door. Didier was standing just a few feet from the car.

  "How are you doing?" Reason asked politely.

  "I am fine. Why do you ask?"

  "Well you were so quiet in the car, I was just curious."

  "I was just lost in